Unless you are the owner of an ant farm, ants are probably not something you want to have in your house. Ants can be a real problem if they end up in the wrong place – say, your patio or yard – and once they take up residence there, it may be challenging to convince them to leave.
That’s why it’s essential to know how to get rid of ants on the patio quickly and efficiently, so you can restore your outdoor area to its natural beauty! Here’s how:
Why Are There Ants On My Patio?
If you have ants on your patio, there are a couple of underlying reasons. Ants are captivated by sweet things, and the sugar from these can attract them to your patio. They also enjoy moist environments, so if you have potted plants or plants close to the ground, they may be getting water from them.
How To Get Rid of Ants On Your Patio
If you want to eliminate ants on your patio, you can do a few things. First, you should start by finding all their entry points. Then move on to mixing up ant repellents and setting out baits. Ultimately, keeping a clean patio will always benefit you to keep the ants away!
1. Find the Entry Points
The first step to getting rid of ants on the patio is finding the entry points. Where are they coming in from? What food source attracts them? How long have you seen these ants on your patio, and where did you see them first?
If you answer these questions, you’ll be able to locate their entryways with relative ease. Once you find the entry point, use your knowledge about ant preferences for food sources or other factors to prevent them from returning. For example, if you know that honeydew attracts ants on a patio, cut off any leaves touching the ground or anything else that may produce it.
2. Mix up a Boric Acid Solution
Boric acid is a safe and effective technique to eliminate ants on the patio without using harmful chemicals. Spray bottle with boric acid solution prepared from one spoon of boric acid and one quart of water. Make sure to shake it up before each usage. Apply the concoction by spraying it in the affected areas.
You can also use borax as a boric acid alternative. After rain or after watering your plants, you may need to reapply the solution.
Under normal conditions, boric acid poses no threat to humans or animals. In any case, it’s not safe for youngsters to consume, so keep it out of their reach completely. If spilled, it might also kill any birds or fish that might be nearby.
You can substitute Boric Acid with any of the following: salt, talcum powder, lemon juice, sugar soap mix (like Ivory liquid detergent), cornstarch, baking soda, or baby powder.
3. Use DE or Baking Soda
DE, or diatomaceous earth, is a substance made from the fossilized remnants of tiny creatures known as diatoms. A human being could not be damaged by one of those fossils, but an ant could die from touching it.
Cut by DE particles, an ant’s exoskeleton becomes dehydrated and brittle, leading to its eventual death. Therefore, you can use DE on a surface where ants are present.
If you don’t have DE nearby, baking soda can be just as effective. Prepare a small bowl of baking soda then add enough water to create a paste-like consistency. Apply this paste to areas where ants might enter your home, like doors or windowsills. Place some in areas where you don’t want them to go, like next to plants or near garbage cans.
4. Set Out Poisonous Bait Stations
None of those mentioned above methods will be effective if you don’t set out baits on the right spots.
Bait stations are boxes or plates that contain a small amount of food, such as peanut butter, oatmeal, or cornmeal. For the ants to be attracted to it, they need to be able to smell the food, so make sure you don’t place it on top of your coffee table or any other surface where it would not be in their direct path.
Some bait stations also come with insecticide, so it’s essential to follow instructions carefully. Baiting can take up to a month before being successful, but all the methods mentioned should be considered part of an integrated pest management plan that includes monitoring and treating infested areas.
5. Keep Your Patio Clean
Ultimately, keeping a clean patio is another thing you can do to keep ants away. There are a few easy ways to keep your patio clean and ant-free.
Among the most crucial actions you can take is never leave food or sugar sources out on the patio. While ants will eat anything, they are attracted to these specific foods because they are high in sugar. You should immediately clean up any messes, such as spills or dropped food, and use an insect spray if you see ants coming into your home from the outside.
Another great way to keep your patio clean is to make sure you are keeping up with yard work. Although you may not think of it, ants can live in grass, so cutting it as often as possible can help reduce their numbers in your backyard.
In conclusion, there are many ways to get rid of ants on the patio. You can either use natural products or store-bought ones. For example, you can mix borax and sugar water to attract the ants and then kill them with boiling water, or you can use ant bait stations to lure the ants with food before killing them. Just remember not to place it near any plants and pets!
Another effective way to get rid of ants on the patio is to find their entry points and set out poisonous baits. The bait will entice the ants, and they will die when they eat it because they won’t be able to digest the poison.
Also, make sure you keep your home clean so that there’s no food source for the ants.