How To Kill Weeds On Your Patio

patio pavers with weeds

If you have recently landscaped your yard and invested in an expensive patio or deck, you probably don’t want to wake up one morning to find your investment destroyed by weeds. Luckily, several weed killers on the market can help you get rid of those weeds without harming your other plants or the environment. In this article, we’ll review several popular weed killers and their pros and cons so you can choose the best weed killer for your particular needs.

The Best Time To Kill Weeds Is In The Morning

Weeds are a gardener’s worst enemy. They can quickly take over a yard or garden and ruin your hard work. While some people think the best time to kill weeds is in the middle of summer when the plants are taller and stronger, it is much easier to cut them down when they’re still short. The best time to tackle pesky weeds is in the morning when they’re most vulnerable.

The best time for chemical weed killer: Your timing is also important when using chemical weed killers. It’s best to spray them when temperatures are between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (15-32 degrees Celsius). You might get away with using a weed killer in cooler temperatures if you wait until late evening, but if it’s over 90 F (32 C) out, you’re probably better off waiting until morning.

When applying chemical weed killers, be sure that they don’t touch any of your non-weeds: Be very careful when applying chemical weed killers.

Weed plants growing between concrete pavement bricks.

The Best Way To Kill Weeds Is With Roundup

Weeds are the bane of a gardener’s existence. Whether in your garden or lawn, it’s important to know how to remove them as quickly and efficiently as possible. The best way is with Roundup Weed and Grass Killer from Home Depot.

The active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, which kills a broad range of grass and broadleaf plants. To ensure you get the best results, you must read and follow all instructions carefully, including waiting for adequate rain or irrigation before applying.

One bottle can last up to four months;
If you’re not satisfied with Roundup, there are many other methods available, like vinegar weed killer;
Lowers pest pressure;
Lessens the need for labor-intensive weed treatment;
Increases crop quality and output.

One downside is that it may take a few weeks for some stubborn weeds to show signs of dying;
May irritate the skin or eyes;
Irritation in the nose or throat.

patio weeds growing between cracks


You Can Also Use Boiling Water To Kill Weeds

One of the best ways to get rid of weeds is to spray boiling water on them. Boil a pot of water, pour it over the weed, and let it sit for a few minutes. You can also use boiling water in a spray bottle.

Be careful not to get it on your plants or anything else you want to keep alive.

Destroys the weeds;
Reduces their growth.

It could destroy your other plants.

Use White Vinegar

There are many ways to remove weeds from your garden, but one of the most common ways is using white vinegar. White vinegar is a mild acid that will break down the waxy cuticle layer of the weed, which will cause it to dehydrate and die.

The process takes about two weeks. To use this method, add about 2 cups of white vinegar per gallon of water in a spray bottle and spray directly onto the weed or its roots. Make sure not to saturate your garden or plants with this solution, as it could damage them.


It is cheap and effective;
Dries out the weeds;


Acetic acid can cause burns and skin and tissues damage;
It might cause blindness if it accidentally touches the eye.

Use Baking Soda

If you have weeds on your patio, you can get rid of them using baking soda. This method is also not expensive, and it’s very effective. To use this technique, combine some water with baking soda until you make a thick paste. Then, apply the paste all over the weeds, covering their roots.


Effectively destroys weeds;
It is cheap


It needs to be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

There Are Also Natural Ways To Kill Weeds

Weeds are annoying, but fortunately, there are some easy ways to get rid of them for good. One way is using lemon juice, which has been proven effective in killing weed roots. Mix one lemon juice with two parts of water and spray it onto the weed. Unfortunately, it can take up to a week or more to work effectively, so you may need to reapply several times if the weeds keep coming back.

To make this mixture last longer, try adding a few drops of dish soap and a couple of drops of peppermint oil into the mixture before spraying it onto the plants. This will help deter other plants from growing near the area and give your soil nutrients that will help your garden grow better in general.

How Can You Prevent Weeds From Growing On Your Patio In The Future?

If you’re wondering how to keep weeds from growing in the future, there are a few ways you can do so.

Firstly, we recommend laying down a weed barrier over your patio. This will help prevent weeds because they won’t have anything to grow in.

Secondly, you could use an herbicide specifically meant for lawns and driveways.

Next, sprinkle the weed killer over your patio surface. For best results, it’s recommended that you allow the chemical to sit overnight before rinsing any remaining chemicals with water. Lastly, ensure that you check if it’s safe for plants or flowers to come into contact with it.

To prevent weeds from growing, you should lay down a weed barrier over the top. Then, after letting the chemical sit overnight, you can rinse any excess with water and be good to go!

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to get rid of weeds on your patio, you’re ready for a weed-free summer. Keeping the ground around your patio clear will prevent new weeds from growing and keep your outdoor space looking beautiful.

Remember that homeowners can benefit from lawn care, too. If you take care of your lawn, you won’t have to worry about your patio being overrun by weeds or becoming a mud pit. The most important thing is to do something in your spare time—you don’t need lots of equipment or professional training to keep a well-maintained lawn.

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